Wooden Boxes
For those folks that have a dog that likes to dig, scratch, bite, flip open and/or knock over the food bowls or the white ORT boxes, I suggest making a set of Wooden Boxes. As Bob Bailey often famously said, …
Scentinel Nose Work Dog Training
Gail McCarthy, CNWI
For those folks that have a dog that likes to dig, scratch, bite, flip open and/or knock over the food bowls or the white ORT boxes, I suggest making a set of Wooden Boxes. As Bob Bailey often famously said, …
The equipment that you will need to for Wall Hide Training are six soft-plastic bead containers that are approximately 1 ½ Inches x 1 ½ inches by ½ Inches. (You can actually use any shape or size of container, just …
Detection dog training is unique because you can’t “drill” a detection dog. Rather, the training needs to empower the dog and must be designed to leave the dog wanting more. Increment by increment, we condition the dog to search “on …
I had a couple inquiries as to where folks could buy the three-holed cored bricks that I brought to a recent set of classes at EFPSudbury. This where I bought mine. Landscape Depot Supply 350 Irving Street Framingham, MA 01702 …
Beginning to Develop Pin-Point Precision Using Bricks Read more »
KEY BOXES The photos appearing here are of my “Key Boxes” that I have modified to use as Reward Food or Scent Containers. You can buy these particular Key Boxes at Lowes. I use these Key Boxes to introduce Vehicle Searching …
I have had several inquiries about the “bowl-sandwich” I use as well as what kind of boxes I use. The Bowl-Sandwich: You will need to buy two bowls that like these ones: http://www.petco.com/product/105768/Petco-Stainless-Steel-Non-Tip-Bowls.aspx I typically use the 16 oz. size. Take …
A group of us met this morning to do some K9NW training at a local Fairground that had a number of open animal sheds with stalls and wood chip flooring. I and another person offered to put out the hides …
I always preference any writing I do about dog training with a comment that Karen Pryor once made: “There are as many ways to train an animal as there are people to think them up.” What you need to do …
I found this information on the NACSW Website: To compete in the sport of K9 Nose Work®, dogs will need to transition from searching for food or toys to searching for a “target odor.” Target odors for competition in NACSW …
Following up on my post entitled, “Self-Rewarding and Supplementally Rewarding,” I have gotten a few private emails saying that folks were confused how and where the reward should be given. One person indicated that her confusion was because she had …